Dark Moon Ritual

Ingredients: Frankincense, Yarrow, Hibiscus, Mugwort, Coconut milk, Labradorite, Moonstone, Amethyst, Candles, High Priestess tarot card, Divination tool

Ground and cleanse yourself and your space, in whatever way feels right. You can go for a walk, smudge, use a cleansing spray, sprinkle salts, meditate, drum, chant, sing, dance, whatever works best for you and the space that you’re in. If you have a shrine or altar, or work in a place in nature, then perhaps you don’t need to cleanse the space. However, you should always ground yourself and prepare the space for working in some way, to get yourself in the right frame of mind and let the spirits know that you are ready to work, as well as raise power and energy to direct into your work.

If you work with circles, then you can cast a circle, however I can also suggest that if you are worried about attracting unwanted attention, you can drum, rattle, clap, sing or dance a circle of power that gives you strength to deal with anything that comes your way. Personally, I have never experienced unwanted presences in any of my workings, rituals or ceremonies.

Throughout working with herbs and crystals, you should connect with them in some way. I like to breathe on them, sometimes hold them in my hands and clap, which works well with oils, and focus my thoughts on them of what I want them to do. Many have a variety of properties and you will get better results from them if you respect them and tell them what you are looking for.

Grind the frankincense, yarrow, hibiscus and mugwort in a pestle and mortar. It’s important to spend this time focusing on the outcome. Take your thoughts to whatever form of divination you use, see yourself gaining insight and wisdom, the messages jumping out loud and clear.

Using coconut milk, connected with lunar energy, gently heat it with hibiscus, yarrow, rose and mugwort. But don’t let it boil as you’ll harm the delicate herbs (unless they’re dried, in which case it’s ok!). You can have a piece of yarrow with you while you do this, held in your hand, or resting at the side. You can also have your labradorite, moonstone and amethyst with you. As you stir clockwise, stir in your intention of opening your intuition, to allow the veil to drop and read the messages in your divination.

Light candles, turn off all electric lights and set up your divination area with your yew and crystals, setting whatever divination tool you're using in the middle. Have the High Priestess tarot card with you, and know that you sit at the boundary, just like her. You can play music if you wish, or you can drum and sing softly. Set the incense to burn on a charcoal disc and let your consciousness slip from the everyday to the magical. Call in any spirits or gods that you work with.

Allow the scent of the smoke to pull you into a liminal state, and sip your drink, feeling the magic of the herbs spread around your system. Chant to the dark moon, call its power into you. You can do the dark moon meditation and allow yourself to immerse in the dark moon energy. When you feel ready, pick up your divination tool and breathe your incense into it, connecting it to you. Hold it as you consider your question and then start.

Allow time to look at what is being shown, allow messages to arise spontaneously, don’t force it. Write down initial impressions and ideas. If you need to, at that point look in a guide, but always let your intuition come first.

When you are done, thank your divination tools, the herbs and crystals and any spirits or gods. Ground yourself afterwards by eating or drinking something, and allow yourself some quiet time to absorb the knowledge that has come on the night of the Dark Moon.

Dark Moon