Dark Moon

Silent Moon, Ghost Moon, Shadow Moon. The Dark Moon casts its light on the otherworld and so we can step through to that world. All is permeable now, a rich black sea through which to move and flow. As she is reborn from the primordial waters, the foaming, crashing waves, the world begins to lighten with her darkness. Stars begin to fade into the firmament and the seas turn and bow at her arrival. 

There is a taste in the air of shadow melting, ancient silver blackened as the cycle spins. She is winter; she is night; she is death, the final release into sweet and blessed rest that sets aside space and time before the coming of spring, the dawn, the rebirth. Her gifts are plentiful and those who choose to bask in them will find themselves renewed, reborn, complete and whole, gleaming with the deep knowledge that comes after dissolving into darkness. In winter she rules nights long and unending, frost-kissed and sharp, filled with star and cloud. In the summer she rules nights hot and balmy, scented with the heady fragrances of love and honeysuckle. 

Her presence is felt rather than seen, those who know her track her emptiness across the wide open sky, dancing silently with the sun. The celestial dance of molten gold and tarnished silver, intimate, wild, predictable and yet thoroughly untameable. The wonders she sees as she dances in the void, spinning and circling above our Matir Werito, our Mother Earth. Glowing sapphire and emerald beneath her swaying dance, she honours her, she honours us. 

Guide us into the depths where no light shines, be our guides into nothingness, help us to release and break apart sweetly, piece by piece, drifting away. Gone, returned to ourselves, ready to be reborn. Each turn of the cycle you are the nadir, resting before being rebirthed into our skies, full of hope and growing strength and light. Potential simmers deep in your silence, in your depth. Unseen you guide our steps downwards, deep into the abyss, the warm dark womb of our mother.

Dark Moon