New Moon

Bright New Moon, the young maiden appearing out of the darkness, rising from the fiery cauldron of the moon and sun. She is slim and sharp like a spear, a virgin huntress that wakes ready to arc overhead, chasing her quarry, the sun. The gleaming molten-gold rays blinds us to her, but as she chases the orb into the waters and extinguishes its light, she hovers triumphantly over it, spear-tips sharp and victorious. 

She holds all of the potential of life, the seedling breaking through the rich fecund earth, the first kiss of light in the blackness of night. All is possible to her, an infinite horizon hovers beneath and an infinite sky stretches overhead. She is razor-thin and whip-sharp, her fresh new eyes see all before her, and are sometimes dazzled by the possibilities.

Maiden Moon, Spear Moon, Seed Moon, guide us along your thin edge to meet the roads that radiate out from underneath our feet, allow us to see the shining paths that we can dance or walk or run or leap along, as we choose, as we feel drawn to move this cycle. All is new, just as it has been so many thousands of times before, just as it will be so many times again, through the aeons and ages. You come to this point over and over again, secure in the knowledge that you will always return. 

Teach us to have faith in the beginnings of things, that through the beginning we will be led to endings and beginnings without number. This is your gift. The strength to meet the unknown, to meet it with courage, even though we feel but newborn and dazzled by our own potential.

New Moon