Waxing Gibbous Moon Ritual

Ingredients: Mason jar, Basil, Dandelion, Chamomile, Mint, Coins, Tiger’s Eye, Gold or green pouch, Sunstone, Saffron, Sundried tomatoes, Favourite bread recipe, Ten of Pentacles tarot card

Ground and cleanse yourself and your space, in whatever way feels right. You can go for a walk, smudge, use a cleansing spray, sprinkle salts, meditate, drum, chant, sing, dance, whatever works best for you and the space that you’re in. If you have a shrine or altar, or work in a place in nature, then perhaps you don’t need to cleanse the space. However, you should always ground yourself and prepare the space for working in some way, to get yourself in the right frame of mind and let the spirits know that you are ready to work, as well as raise power and energy to direct into your work.

If you work with circles, then you can cast a circle, however I can also suggest that if you are worried about attracting unwanted attention, you can drum, rattle, clap, sing or dance a circle of power that gives you strength to deal with anything that comes your way. Personally, I have never experienced unwanted presences in any of my workings, rituals or ceremonies.

Throughout working with herbs and crystals, you should connect with them in some way. I like to breathe on them, sometimes hold them in my hands and clap, which works well with oils, and focus my thoughts on them of what I want them to do. Many have a variety of properties and you will get better results from them if you respect them and tell them what you are looking for.

Choose a good size mason jar and cleanse with smoke. Fill it about halfway or just over, so you have room to shake it about! Basil has long been associated with money, but also love, so it’s a good balance for general abundance. Dandelion brings that bright solar energy and luck. Chamomile is also a classic abundance herb, mixed with anti-anxiety, so abundance flows without stress. Mint adds a freshness to the abundance mix. Work with all of these herbs in turn and add them to the jar, along with a tiger’s eye stone and some coins, silver and gold coloured are best! 

Shake it and think of all the abundance flowing into your life. You can use this as often and for as long as it feels right to you. Try adding the Ten of Pentacles tarot card if your jar is big enough, and feel the ease and happiness that comes with abundance.

You can add some of the mix to a small gold or green pouch along with a sunstone to carry around with you for abundance, luck and positive energy.

One of my favourite ways to work with herbs is to cook, that way you can literally make the magic a part of you. Make your favourite bread loaf, adding in saffron, basil and sundried tomatoes to the dough, to make a potent abundance spell you can eat. You can really focus a lot of energy into the bread through the making process, and then as you eat it. Keep your spell pouch by you as you knead it, shake your shaker jar over it as it rises. The more energy you put in, the more you will get out.

Waxing Gibbous Moon